Tech giants vs. fake reviews ! Will the World’s First Coalition Guarantee Consumer Confidence?

  Amazon,, Expedia Group, Glassdoor, TripAdvisor, and Trustpilot have announced the launch of the cross-industry Coalition for Trusted Reviews with the common goal of protecting trustworthy reviews.

Countermeasures against fake reviews by a group of giant tech companies

  The development of information technology has made it possible for anyone to transmit and share information. While information has been democratized, fake reviews are being created and spread in large numbers by cleverly taking advantage of this technology and human perception. According to a TripAdvisor report (See also: “4.4%” of TripAdvisor posts are fake reviews), 4.4% of reviews posted on TripAdvisor are fake. and the number has continued to increase in recent years.

  A formal coalition has now been established to help educate the public about fake reviews and share information among participating companies in an effort to reduce the amount of fraud caused by these reviews. By defining best practices for posting online reviews and sharing methods for detecting fake reviews, the participating companies aim to stop fake reviews at their source. It will be interesting to see how far the collaboration between giant tech companies with various interests will go.

 About the Coalition for Trusted Reviews
 The Coalition for Trusted Reviews is an association of industry leaders in the hospitality, retail, consumer service and travel industries who provide trusted reviews and help consumers make informed purchasing decisions. Participating companies focus on reducing fraudulent customer reviews. The organization currently includes Amazon,, Expedia, Glassdoor, TripAdvisor, and Trustpilot.

 Source: Amazon,, Expedia Group, Glassdoor, Tripadvisor, and Trustpilot Launch First Global Coalition for Trusted Reviews

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